Lynn Dorman, Ph.D. // Aging, human interest


December 10  

work til you dieA survey about retirement showed that:

Nearly one-third, or 30%, now plan to work until they are 80 or older — up from 25% a year ago, according to a Wells Fargo survey of 1,000 adults with income less than $100,000.

Overall, 70% of respondents plan to work during retirement, many of whom plan to do so because they simply won’t be able to afford to retire full time.

And … 37 percent say they’ll never retire and will work until they are too sick or die.


Planing to work until you die [or are too sick] may not be a great goal to aim for – unless you already love what you do and do not see it as work!

Many self employed people do not retire – but I think this survey used people who work for others – as that’s usually what having a job means.

For this population, working until you are too sick may not be a real option.

Will your boss keep you around if you keep missing days for illness, or are seen as “too old” or “too sick” to continue what you are doing?

And what kind of jobs will there be for those in their 80s [or older]?

If one can be found, it may be a minimum wage position and a part time one at that.

The article offers advice on planning for retirement, but that too, is not always an option in this economy.

This is why I always suggest to most everyone, that you find a home based business NOW – while you are healthy and working.

One where you are your own boss and have the potential to earn as much as you can – and maybe even QUIT your day job and enjoy what you are doing and actually have the time and money to enjoy your 80s.

I am putting together some information and will post it on another of my sites [which I am revamping.]

If you would like to be notified when it is ready leave your name and email on the form to the right

or way down at the bottom [I still need to figure out how to have it right here]



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About the Author

Native of NYC who moved a lot, got several degrees, and has been a lifelong writer and reader... I am interested in many things - and I write [and teach] about them - especially the human lifespan and healthy aging

Lynn Dorman, Ph.D.
