Keeping The Brain Sharp As We Age

Lynn Dorman, Ph.D. // Aging, human interest


December 28  

puzzles and brainsDoing puzzles has been seen as an activity to keep our brains sharp – but a new study shows that puzzles might be enough.

Listening to classical music and doing crosswords is not enough for the over 60s to stay sharp and they must learn new skills, a study found.

Instead people should be doing a course to learn something new, such as digital photography or quilting, to improve their long term memories.

As a crossword puzzle addict since I was a preteen, and a jigsaw addict since I don’t know when, I will never give them up as I feel they keep me sharp. But I do understand the research. Puzzles, at least for me, are not novel….I have gotten really good at guessing what words are the answers or what pieces go where…so they aren’t really taxing my brain – but I do feel they are useful for something.

Yet I also keep learning new things – so maybe my brain is working hard from all that.  I take online courses, learn new technology,  and try new ways of doing old things like my photography.

For the upcoming year, I am creating online courses and will let you know about those and about courses others have created….

Here’s to our brains increasing in 2014!


onward to 2014

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About the Author

Native of NYC who moved a lot, got several degrees, and has been a lifelong writer and reader... I am interested in many things - and I write [and teach] about them - especially the human lifespan and healthy aging

Lynn Dorman, Ph.D.
