I seemed to have had a harder time adapting to the time change this Spring and gave it some thought.
Adapting To Light, Dark, And Other Phenomenon
I know, as I have aged, I am learning to accept that my body reacts differently to various phenomenon.
For example if I do a lot of heavy work like lifting, hauling heavy stuff around, gardening etc. I need extra time to feel like I’m back to normal.
And, as I wrote, I do tend to hibernate in the winter and I think this has to do with light/dark [as opposed to my being a bear.]
In the Portland winter, it is dark until nearly 8 AM. I don’t think I’ve ever lived in a place where it is so dark so late in the morning that I am waking up when it’s still very dark out.
This phenomenon can be adapted to. We go from summer to fall – gradually losing a minute or two of morning daylight and we adapt. After a while, I am waking up in total darkness and that’s ok.
But then we suddenly shift the clock and this year I had a more difficult time adapting to the time change and I wonder if it’s age-related.
It took me almost 2 weeks to get back into the swing of getting up in the dark.
For me, the time changes are not a matter of gaining or losing an hour of sleep because I personally sleep the same amount of time.
I figured it is the sudden shift of the light/dark cycle that gets me…
We humans like to adapt to changes but it seems it is easier to adapt over some period of time than it is to adapt so suddenly.
You? Comments? Thoughts?
Thank you
I hate dark mornings and also those early dark nights. But I choose dark mornings over dark night. I am more of a night persona nd hate mornings anyways lol.
Marilyn – thank you for the comment. I am more of a morning person who works better when it is both early and sunny – maybe that’s part of why the new morning dark gets me?
I agree – one of the ‘benefits’ of the dark days in winter is the pleasure of having the long days in spring and summer!
Thanks Anne. Yup 🙂 sort of like my saying the upside of the rain we get all winter is the very dry warm summer…
I do better when we “spring ahead” one hour than when we “fall back” the hour. Maybe it has to do with the daylight lengthening our days, but it just feels great. The spring weather is my favorite.
Thanks for your comment Bonnie. I love spring and I love the longer amount of daylight. It’s just the “getting there” part that seems to challenge me 🙂