Getting Back On Track

Lynn Dorman, Ph.D. // Aging, Health


January 4  


Or actually I should say - getting back on the treadmill!

Last year I did training for a 5K. We did it online and it was through an organization where I used to live. It was fun and it did actually get me exercising so I signed up again this year. 

This is the 6th week of the 12 weeks of training - and I just got started. [SIGH]

It's been that kind of existence since I started packing to move - last Spring. 

Last year I used my indoor bike for training, this year I was going to walk, thinking that maybe by next year I could try running.

my view

But as I said many things got in the way including really wild weather and power outages and so walking outside became something I was not going to do on a regular basis - except for the dog walks...but that's not training.

I was going to go to a gym but car issues and other things including ice and wind storms [and inertia] kept me away - but then an at-home treadmill was acquired - and I got going.

Above is my view when I am on the treadmill. It does make using the treadmill much more pleasant than if I went to the gym where they have a TV to watch.

And the getting going on the treadmill and back to the training will get me back on track with my writing and course creation....and the other ideas and products I want to get out this year.

  • Consistency is important…and what I also most often struggle with! Good for you for getting back at it!

    • Thank you for the comment and consistency is something that I am not consistent about – but I’m back and at least until I get off track I will stay on track.

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    About the Author

    Native of NYC who moved a lot, got several degrees, and has been a lifelong writer and reader... I am interested in many things - and I write [and teach] about them - especially the human lifespan and healthy aging

    Lynn Dorman, Ph.D.
