Lynn Dorman, Ph.D. // Aging


June 14  

I’ve had the same conversation with several friends of late – about age and exercise. It seems we all have the same ideas.

Not sure why each of us is thinking of this now as we are slightly different ages [but over 60], live in different parts of the country and some do not know each other – and I did not start all the conversations. It must be zeitgeist or “something in the air.”

Each of us had been thinking that as we are aging, we feel the need to not do such strenuous activities as we had been doing, or doing them fewer days per week, or taking time off from exercising and just not doing anything strenuous. It’s not that we can’t do the strenuous activities – we can. We also know they are probably very good for our health. But most of us still work and find that after the strenuous workouts, we can’t just go to work but instead need a recovery period that is longer than we used to need.

Most of us said that this made us sad and a bit angry – we still like to think we can keep on going like we did in our 20’s or 30’s – but our bodies say NO! There is no way to turn back the clock – we are aging…..but we are trying to figure this out as we go.

When I was in graduate school, or soon after, a psychologist I knew said that psychology would not get into really studying aging until we psychologists ourselves got older – and that is what seems to have happened.

I am wondering if the interplay of aging and exercise is also something that we aging used-to-be-more-strenuous-athletic types are/will be the models for?

In chatting with my son about this – he suggested a few things – really vary what I am doing for exercise and starting a “club” for those of us who are older – can’t keep up with the “kids” but are able to do lots more than the programs for “older” people.

Any thoughts?

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About the Author

Native of NYC who moved a lot, got several degrees, and has been a lifelong writer and reader... I am interested in many things - and I write [and teach] about them - especially the human lifespan and healthy aging

Lynn Dorman, Ph.D.
