Challenges, April Fool, My Brain, And A Key

Lynn Dorman, Ph.D. // Aging, human interest


April 1  

april fool

  • It’s April Fool’s day

  • It’s a new blog challenge

  • It’s the start of a new quarter [of the year]

So –

  • It’s time to try tricking my brain!!

I know I have a non-linear brain and I know that although I love many challenges, the ones that come with a feeling of “you have to” seem to not work with me…especially if it is a challenge that lasts for more than a week or two.

Clearly “you have to” is part of MY brain’s messaging center, not the rules of any challenge I have entered. But – I have come to recognize that my brain sees a challenge as a MUST DO and reacts by saying “nope – you won’t.”

key_to_my_brainHaving finally figured out this possible "key_to_my_brain", I am trying a new mind game with my brain starting today.


  • I will not “officially” enter any challenges that last longer than 2 weeks.
  • I will just “do” challenges as if they were optional fun events.
  • I will not keep track of what I do regarding the challenge.

A one-person research project is now underway. Results to be posted at a future time. [see? no set date]

You are never too old to figure out how your own brain works…


Thoughts? Comments? Thanks….

  • I used a similar approach to the last challenge. I did not beat myself up over not posting 30 times. Instead, I congratulated myself for posting twice as often as in previous months, and for taking the time to make videos, including making transcripts.

    • Hi Jack V- thanks for the comment and your idea. I tried that a few times and it felt ok but not great as far as my brain went as I still felt pressure and reluctance. This is a new approach for me. It’s a mental game or a way of fooling my brain in a different way. Will see how it goes 🙂


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    About the Author

    Native of NYC who moved a lot, got several degrees, and has been a lifelong writer and reader... I am interested in many things - and I write [and teach] about them - especially the human lifespan and healthy aging

    Lynn Dorman, Ph.D.
