On January 1, 2011 the first wave of baby boomers started turning 65 and are now eligible for Medicare…
Some worry there won't be sufficient funds in either Medicare or Social Security to last for the rest of their lives.
Many boomers will not yet retire as they can not yet afford to do so!
Medicare may be a good plan but the cost of participation tends to increase both on the Government side and the private sector side. Medicare Advantage programs are not free…even to some say they are … you get what you pay for…
And Social Security? We are into the second year of no increase in the monthly payout.
To add to the worries, if you live in Oregon – you have another concern if you are in a senior care facility.. or wind up in one….because Oregon elder care has glaring lacks!
Federal law requires states to have an ombudsman to protect the rights of people in long-term care. The average state has one ombudsman monitoring 2,220 beds. Oregon has just one for 6,692 beds.
Oregon relies on volunteers..but if everyone needs to keep working to afford to live – who will be the volunteers taking care of and looking out for Oregon's elder population?
Scary thoughts to start your 65th birthdays!
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