Lynn Dorman, Ph.D. // 


September 13  

Busy is good! Been doing some and all sorts of outdoor activities but then came a day of “oopsies” 🙂 – skipped some of the blogs….sorry – this was one I skipped : ( – maybe it was “that” time for my cells and my cells were rejoicing..hmmm…. this better be the week for the brain cells to rejoice – I need to get back to blogging and working on a lifespan book….

If you take a look at: – you’ll see that I am doing a lot of writing on the lifespan – partially for a class I will be teaching and partially to put together chapter for a supplemental text. My other blogs are devoted to parts of the lifespan – so if you want to know something now about say children or teens go to my profile and click on “view my complete profile” for a list of the other blogs..

But back to us – the healthy aging “kids”

“Our environment is filled with toxins… Toxins exist everywhere!

Here is just a glimpse of what you face NO MATTER where you live!

Pharmaceutical drugs are now showing up in our tap and ground water!!!

[The first drug was found by accident. Scientists doing their routine tap water tests for pesticides in Berlin, Germany, found Clofibric Acid, a cholesterol-lowering drug. The instruments that found it were calibrated to identify pesticides!!… The scientists did not recognize the pattern, so they took it to a toxicology lab, which readily identified it.]

Now many other drugs have since been found in our wells and ground water:

Many other drugs have since been found in our wells and ground water:

Lipid lowering drugs
Chemotherapeutic drugs

A summary article on 100 cities found identical results (Chemosphere, January1998).

Antibiotics: Stuart Levy, Director of the Center for Adaptation Genetics and Drug Resistance at Tufts University in Boston, MA, states: “Our concentration of antibiotics is 1000 times higher than in Germany, high enough to affect the growth of E-Coli. This may be causing the bacteria to become medication resistant.”

E-Coli has been discovered in the drinking water of some major and minor US cities.

Estrogen: Shane Snyder of Michigan State University found enough estrogen (mostly from birth control pills) in Lake Mead to cause male fish to produce female egg protein, and to attempt to lay eggs that they were not equipped to lay. Disbelieving the results, Mr. Snyder repeated his tests 30 times.

Each year the United States produces over 400 billion pounds of synthetic organic chemicals that are all toxic. This is equivalent to 80 pounds of chemicals per year for every person on the planet. There are currently 55,000 chemical compounds in production. Of these, less than 1000 are even tested for toxic effects.

Research shows that there are between 300 and 500 toxins in our tissues today that were never found in the tissues of anyone before 1940. In fact, even the air at the North Pole is polluted with dioxin, one of the worst air pollutants and cancer causing agents. You are breathing dioxin right now and hundreds of other chemicals that you cannot taste, see or smell.

Obviously, toxins are GOING to be a part of our lives whether we like it or not. All we can do is make sure our body is properly cleansing itself of these harmful toxins so they don’t stay in our system!

In order for this to happen, your body’s cell’s need to be communicating properly so they can determine what belongs in your body and what doesn’t! Makes sense – right?

Copyright 2004 Golden Keys Mentoring Group, LLC

The above was taken from an ebook – The Ten Deadly Health Myths of the 21st Century which you can ask me for – it’s a .pdf file. Fill out the want more info form near the top.

next “free” radicals – and why free is not a good thing

  • Hi growing older. Somewhere in this blog you mention living on a river. I’m from So.Calif. Living on a river is unusual here. My sister and her husband however, have a neat little houseboat in the Portland area. Their dock is on Sauvie Island just out of town. What a terrific lifestyle. They sit on their deck and watch nature at work. If you are anywhere near and would like to meet them, let me know at

  • Hi growing older. Somewhere in this blog you mention living on a river. I’m from So.Calif. Living on a river is unusual here. My sister and her husband however, have a neat little houseboat in the Portland area. Their dock is on Sauvie Island just out of town. What a terrific lifestyle. They sit on their deck and watch nature at work. If you are anywhere near and would like to meet them, let me know at

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

    About the Author

    Native of NYC who moved a lot, got several degrees, and has been a lifelong writer and reader... I am interested in many things - and I write [and teach] about them - especially the human lifespan and healthy aging

    Lynn Dorman, Ph.D.
