Under the Weather In Many Ways : – )

Lynn Dorman, Ph.D. // 


April 22  

I almost never get sick but this year I had a little head cold – if there is such a medical term – and it clogged my eustachian tubes for a few days making me feel pretty yukky…

It’s all gone now but I wonder how much the aftermath of the “head cold” was the dramatic change in the weather!

We started April with warm balmy days and nights – then sort of normal Spring – then an 80 degree day where I was out in shorts and tank top in my kayak…that of course was followed by sleet and hail and then this past weekend – snow!

It did not stick here on the river, but it did stick on the higher elevations – like a few hundred feet up..

Now it’s just rainy and chilly but we are supposed to warm up by May…I should hope so.

We here in the river worried about the new goslings and the farmers worried about the fruit crops and such…

Here are some of April’s new babies…

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About the Author

Native of NYC who moved a lot, got several degrees, and has been a lifelong writer and reader... I am interested in many things - and I write [and teach] about them - especially the human lifespan and healthy aging

Lynn Dorman, Ph.D.
