Skin Care – week 4

Lynn Dorman, Ph.D. // 


May 15  


Here are photos from:
before skin care treatment,
2 weeks into this and
today – which is week 4

I see a healthier skin tone as do friends – not sure it shows up in the photos

The dark circles under my eyes are much lighter and the wrinkles around my mouth are going away – but as I had so many – that may take another month….

I no longer need to use the products day and night … so I do two products in the AM only do the “full” course in the evening and
I no longer have to use the “recommended” amount as my skin is that much more hydrated since I started.

PRE skin care

week 2 – [week 3 looked the same to me]

week 4

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About the Author

Native of NYC who moved a lot, got several degrees, and has been a lifelong writer and reader... I am interested in many things - and I write [and teach] about them - especially the human lifespan and healthy aging

Lynn Dorman, Ph.D.
