Self-Hypnosis and Subliminal Technology: A Review

Lynn Dorman, Ph.D. // Aging


October 23  

self-hypnosisThis book, Self-Hypnosis and Subliminal Technology, by Eldon Taylor is a research guide, a history book and a resource for those who want to make changes in their lives.

Change can be difficult. Most everyone makes some sort of New Year resolutions and breaks them – making the same ones the following year.

We see ourselves as "stuck" and incapable of change – partially due to the self-messages in our head and brain.

This book offers a path to change using self-hypnosis and subliminal messaging. A way to change the story or messages in your brain with a new one[s].

From the author:

Learn the 5 steps for putting yourself into a hypnotic state, several techniques to assist you in going even deeper into hypnosis and the different ways you can achieve each of these steps. Use hypnosis to empower your goals, create new habits, uncover hidden conflicts that often cause self-destructive patterns and discover new solutions to old problems!

Unravel subliminal communication and learn why it is so much more powerful than simply using affirmations. Follow the guide and create your own custom subliminal program, for whatever goal you seek to achieve!

Age is not a barrier to change – we are never to old to learn – remember we can always grow older better – no matter how old we are!!

During the launch party – when you buy the book you are eligible for some drawing and gifts – take a look at this launch party page.


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About the Author

Native of NYC who moved a lot, got several degrees, and has been a lifelong writer and reader... I am interested in many things - and I write [and teach] about them - especially the human lifespan and healthy aging

Lynn Dorman, Ph.D.
