We are all going to have another birthday this year! Let’s make it a healthier one than the last one and let’s keep up the healthier routine into 2007 and on..
Welcome to the group known as baby boomers. Starting yesterday, the 78 million of you began to turn 60. We in the pre-baby boom years say “welcome” and “it’s great being older.”
Because we are who we are and survived or did not get the diseases that killed and hurt others born when we were born, we are already among the healthier. But you need to protect that health and it’s never too late to start.
Make your new year’s resolutions and stick to them – exercise, eat well [supplement better], and enjoy life. Prepare for a more expensive full retirement with a Plan B. Or for some, start on plan A right now! Social Security won’t allow you to live as you want – you’ll need much more than that. Financial worries are dangerous to your health so you need to ensure that you have more than enough so you CAN grow older better…
Here’s a fitness resolution plan:
Make a contract with yourself – yes in writing – and state that you will do the following:
1. Lose 4 pounds per month for a total of xx pounds by [fill in date]
2. Work out 3 times per week/30 minutes per session from January thru March. [In April as you see how well it works, add another day.]
How to work out? and lose weight?
Resistance exercises – free weights or weight machines
Cardio exercises – tread mills, spinning, elliptical machines
Flexibility – pilates, yoga, tai chi
Check with your health care provider before embarking on a new program and most importantly, have fun. I have started playing squash again and yikes- after a 10 year hiatus, I am sucking air between points 🙂
For weight/nutrition information – learn about the glycemic index here
For info on patented supplements go here
Happy healthy 2006