If you are around children read this Fisher-Price toy recall

Lynn Dorman, Ph.D. // 


August 1  

This in the news today:

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Mattel Inc.’s Fisher-Price division is recalling almost 1 million toys made in China because their paint may contain too much lead, marking the latest in a string of recalls that have fueled U.S.-China tensions over the safety of Chinese products.

Mattel said the 967,000 plastic toys, which include popular preschool characters like Elmo, Big Bird, and Dora, were made by a contract manufacturer in China using a non-approved paint pigment containing lead, which is in violation of its standards.

Full article HERE

Why are all these dangerous products still coming in? We have had bad pet food, bad people food and bad children’s toys. No one seems able to stop them because no one is monitoring our safety! We have few person who do the actual inspections – in fact there are fewer food safety inspectors than back in 2002 and we import more and more stuff – with fewer and fewer inspections!

This from an administration that pretends to be concerned with public safety – when they are in reality more concerned with scare tactics and keeping people afraid.

After all – Fear is good for republicans…

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About the Author

Native of NYC who moved a lot, got several degrees, and has been a lifelong writer and reader... I am interested in many things - and I write [and teach] about them - especially the human lifespan and healthy aging

Lynn Dorman, Ph.D.
